We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik Thompson’s Coordinated Access System

What is the Coordinated Access System?

Coordinated Access System is a community-wide system that streamlines the process for people experiencing homelessness to access housing and support, a critical step towards a housing program that helps to maximize the resources of organizations that work with individuals in the homeless and at-risk of being homeless sector to ensure a smarter, faster, more coordinated housing system. For individuals and families seeking assistance, it helps to provide them with a system that is easier to navigate. 

“We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik”, Cree for “Helping Place” is the name of the City of Thompson’s Coordinated Access System.   The elements of We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik are:

For more information on Coordinated Access please contact the TNRC Coordinated Access line at (204) 677-2480

Why is Coordinated Access Important

Coordinated Access is an effective way to serve people with housing challenges. It is not a program; it is an integrated process that streamlines access to resources in a community.

Without a coordinated approach to service delivery, people experiencing a crisis must navigate a complicated web of connected – but uncoordinated – services. They often have to tell their story multiple times and place themselves on a number of waiting lists in order to secure the housing resources need to resolve their challenges. Without a person-centered approach, people are often mismatched with resources. This can lead to poorer housing outcomes, continued diminished quality of life and inefficient use of limited resources.

Under these circumstances, it may take longer for people with the most complex needs to find and secure permanent housing with appropriate supports. While they wait, they may access a large number of crises-oriented services to meet their basic needs or be excluded from service altogether, prolonging their homelessness.

Source: Coordinated Access Reaching Home Guide


The Thompson Community Advisory Board (CAB) follows the Thompson Model of Lived-Experience Governance. It has four essential components:

• Core decision makers: a group of five to seven people with lived experience of homelessness forming the lived-experience circle (LEC);
• Ex-officio advisors: local organizations and community members involved with the homeless serving sector;
• Practical support: dedicated logistical and administrative support for the LEC; and
• Governance support: provided by the Community Entity (CE).


Coordinated Access

Coordinated Access is the process by which people with housing challenges are:
• Directed to community-level access point;
• Supported to address their housing challenges through initial triage and, if necessary, further assessment using common tools;
• Prioritized for housing resources based on desired community-level outcomes; and
• Matched and referred to housing resources when a vacancy becomes available.

Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS)

The Homeless Individual and Families Information System (HIFIS) is a comprehensive data collection, reporting, and case management system that supports the day-to-day operations of housing and homelessness response service providers. HIFIS is designed to support the implementation of Coordinated Access by allowing multiple service providers from the City of Thompson to access real-time data and refer clients to the appropriate services at the right time.


Service Providers

Service providers in Thompson that provide emergency shelters, transitional housing, and other short-term and long-term housing options include:

Canadian Mental Health Association – Thompson Region – Transitional Housing Services

Canadian Mental Health Association (www.cmhaacrossmb.ca/northern) can be contacted at 204-677-6050 and provides the following to their clients:

  • Shelter Services
    • In House Supportive Housing – 16 Beds
      The purpose of the Canadian Mental Health Association Residential Services Program is to provide housing support to clients in the Northern Health Region. The emphasis of all of their housing programs is providing support while focusing on the strengths of the individual – encouraging their use of personal, family, and community-based resources to maintain their optimal level of mental health; and to maintain or enhance their quality of life. CMHA support individuals to gain the skills needed to lead satisfying and successful lives in the community, help clients access and secure a stable income, and provide the skills and support needed to ensure long-term success in the housing of their choice.
    • Project Northern Doorway – 16 Beds
      Project Northern Doorway is a strategy to target homelessness in Thompson based on the Housing First Model, an evidence based and recovery-oriented approach. Project Northern Doorway provides housing to those struggling with substance use issues without the stipulation of complete abstinence. Allowing chronically homeless individuals to take steps to improve their situation while living in a safe and secure environment. CMHA Outreach Mentors and Peer Support Workers are responsible for supporting, empowering, and advocating for the participants of Project Northern Doorway 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Non - Shelter Services
    • Rehabilitation and Recovery
      This service assists people with a mental illness to choose, get and keep valued roles in the community such as an employee, tenant, or student. Working through a step-by-step process with a Rehabilitation Worker, people learn skills and make the changes necessary to be successful and satisfied.
    • Self Help
      CMHA Self-help program is a person centered and recovery-oriented program that helps empower individuals to help themselves feel better. They offer one-on-one support meetings and referrals to other mental health programs. Self-help teaches coping skills to maintain positive mental health and how to manage mental health issues or concerns.
    • Education and Training
      The purpose of this program is to empower participants through social, educational, and employment support alongside recovery-focused peer support.
    • Connections Club
      The Clubhouse is a place where people can belong as contributing adults, rather than passing their time as patients who need to be treated. Connections Clubhouse provides support for people with mental wellness concerns. This includes mild to severe, diagnosed or not. They provide an opportunity for member empowerment through peer support and skill development in both group and individual settings.
    • Charlie’s Store
      Charlie’s Store is a Thrift store that is also the vocational rehabilitation component of our Connections Clubhouse. It is funded primarily by The Government of Manitoba and the Government of Canada’s Employment Insurance Account. This provides opportunities for part time transitional employment. The primary goal of the store is to provide valuable work experience to employees. The secondary goal is to have a positive impact on our environment by repurposing previously loved items. The third goal, most recent, of Charlie’s Store is to provide no cost items to individuals in the community. This is provided to the community through a weekly “Free Friday Sale” where all items in the store have no cost.

Ma-Mow-We-Tak Friendship Centre – Transitional Housing Services

Ma-Mow-We-Tak Friendship Centre can be contacted at (204) 677-0960 and provides transitional housing among other services:

  • Transitional Housing Services (12 Units)
    Units are rented out to tenants who are homeless or at the risk of being homeless on a month to month basis at a rate determined based on Employment and Income Assistance Rent Allowance. The Transitional Housing program offers several supports including but not limited advocacy, transportation assistance, counselling services and life skills.

Men Are Part of the Solution – Transitional Housing Services

Men Are Part of the Solution (menarepartofthesolution.com) can be contact at (204) 778-6040 and provides transitional housing services in addition to its group and one-on-one counselling services based on its “Health Relations” programming:

  • Shelter Services
    • Phoenix House for Men (12 rooms)
      Provides room and board in addition to in-house programming in anger and stress management, addictions, self care and independent living. Staff assists their clients to path find in education, training and employment.
    • Phoenix House for Women (12 rooms)
      Provides room and board in addition to in-house programming in anger and stress management, addictions, self care and independent living. Staff assists their clients to path find in education, training and employment.
    • Family Supportive Long-Term Housing (1 house)
      MAPS provides supportive services to families living in its rental house. Rental rate based on EIA rates with MAPS, through its partnerships providing supports as needed to families in the area of life skills and healthy relationship counselling.

Northern Health Region – Substance Use and Recovery Services

Northern Health Region - Substance Use and Recovery (Eaglewood) can be contacted at (204) 677-7300 and provides substance use and recover services.

The Link can be contacted at (204) 677-7870 and provides services to youth at risk that includes short term housing:

  • Short Term Housing Services
    • Home for Female Youth at Risk (4 beds)
    • Transitional Services – Co-Ed (4 beds)

Thompson Crises Centre – Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing Services

Thompson Crises Centre can be contacted at (204) 778-7273 and provides crises services that includes emergency and transitional housing services:

  • Shelter Services
    • Emergency Shelter Program (32 beds)
      Provide one-on-one counselling, support groups, advocacy for women who have been abused. Alternative accommodations are provided for men who are survivors of domestic violence. Staff assist clients with housing applications, returning to school, budgeting and life skills.
    • Transition Housing/Follow-Up Program (6 rooms)
      Program designed to provide women extended time to find housing, financial assistants and other supports. There is individual counselling, support groups, parenting program, family nights, etc.
  • Non – Shelter Services
    • 24 Hour Crisis Line – 1-877-977-0007
      24-hour Crisis Line is confidential and non-judgemental services available to anyone who needs immediate support. Trained staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide support, practical guidance, and crisis intervention to individuals who are in distress.
    • Children and Youth Programming
      Children and youth are provided with individual counselling, and support groups, parenting support groups. Based on assessments, referrals are generated to other resources.
    • In-House Day Care
      Child care is available for all programs. Child care may be used for appointments: doctor visits, lawyers, court, EIA, interviews for jobs and apartments.
    • Support Groups
      Support groups provide clients interaction with others going through similar situations. Material is provided for self-help, anger management, parenting, and validating the effects of abuse.
    • Traditional Healing Program
      Our Pathway to the Heart Program uses holistic healing methods and incorporates traditional teachings in a hope to restore women’s pride in themselves as Indigenous women by reconnecting them with their heritage.
    • Community Outreach/Follow Up Program
      Counselling is provided to non-residential women and men who are or have been at risk of an abusive relationship with a partner or a family member. Counselling is also provided to survivors of sexual assault and rape.

Thompson Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation – Supportive Family Housing Services

Thompson Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (thompsonnrc.ca) can be contacted at (204) 677-0760 and amongst the other programs it offers as a Renewal Corporation also operates two supportive family houses and is the current contact/access point for Coordinated Access services at (204) 677-2480:

  • Housing Services
    • Family Supportive Long-Term Housing (2 houses)
      TNRC provides supportive services to families living in its rental houses. Rental rate based on EIA rates with TNRC, through its partnerships providing supports as needed to families in the area of life skills and healthy relationship counselling.

Wellbriety Centre – Emergency Shelter

Wellbriety Centre can be contacted at (204) 677-1609 and provides emergency shelter and short-term beds to individuals who are homeless.

    • Emergency Shelter
      Short term shelter is available on a day-to-day basis for individuals who are homeless with daily check in and check outs done. Sleeping accommodations include cots and mats.
    • Short Term Beds (45 beds)
      Short term beds are available for individuals who are willing to work on long term goals.

YWCA – Transitional Housing Services

YWCA (ywcathompson.com) can be contacted at (204) 778-1204 and provides various programs including transitional housing services. The YWCA Transition Program is a short-term (up to three years) service that is intended to assist clients who are homeless or at a risk of becoming homeless, in developing skills, connecting with community resources and working towards independence with client directed support. The program is a stepping-stone to allow clients the opportunity to work towards securing long-term housing, employment and/or education in a safe, supportive and healthy environment. The YWCA Thompson and Employment and Income Assistance have been working in partnership for many years and have an established process which ensures limited delay in assisting clients in need.

Rental Organizations

Allied Rentals24-10 Yale Ave. Thompson, MB. R8N OJ9
Tel: Allied 677-2737\Fax 677-5122
Contact: Cheryl Crawley
Glenda Weir : 677-2737 (Property Manager)
(Townhouses) 10 Yale – A to H Blocks, 96 Waterloo – A to D Blocks, 5 Cambridge Street –A, B, C Blocks \ Ottawa Apts – 135 Goldeye Cres\ Belpine Apts – 83 Goldeye Cres \ Cypress - 63 Goldeye Cres \ Driftwood -75 Goldeye Cres, 122 & 124 Wolf St. \ 55 & 59 Nickel Road
39 & 51 Laval Place, Senator Apts - 624 Princeton Drive \ 25 & 51 Laval Place \ 37 & 51 Centennial Dr E. \
376. 384 & 392 Thompson Dr – (Cimcone Apts) Are owned by Sidhu Associates Inc 204-939-1245
and managed by Allied.
Friuli Apts & Suites31 Oak Street
Thompson, MB. R8N 1L8
Tele: 677-3516
Fax: 677-4701
Contact: Caroline Cousteau-Turpie – Property Manager
Danielle Gaudreault – Property Manager
Fruili Suite Rentals: 21, 87, & 107 Centennial Drive West
Do RentOswald Sawh
117 Commercial Place
Thompson, MB. R8N 1T1
Tele: 677-3031 \ Cell 679-3355
Fax: 677-2247
Contact: Oswald Sawh
68 & 84 Goldeye Cres \ 68 Fox Bay
Canadian Mental Health Assoc.
Thompson Region Inc.
Box 456
Thompson, MB
R8N 1N2
Tel: 204-677-6050
Fax: 204-677-5534
43 Fox Bay
Team Management Services IncDayton Barenz
15 Nelson Road
Thomspon, MB
Tele: 677-4328
Cell # for Dayton 204-679-1077
Fax: 778-4628
215 & 223 Cree Road
18 Investments Inc.C/O CW Stevenson Inc.
200 – 55 Donald Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1L8
Tele: 204-934-6200 (Dennis Clinton)
Fax: 677-4927
Contact: Jason Stozier- Property Manager
41 Copper Road
100, 132, 140 & 164 Nickel Road
Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd2600 Seven Evergreen Place
Winnipeg. MB R3L 2T3

102-274 Princeton Drive – Thompson R8N OA1
Contact: Bev Rolsky
Tele: 677-5938
Fax: 778-8923
Highland Towers (78 Rental Units)
Edkar Construction1727 Henderson Highway
Winnipeg, MB.
Box 155 (109 -7 Arctic)
Thompson, MB. R8N 1M9
Tele: 778-5140
Contact: Carol Kroets
7 Arctic (28 units) (1bedroom\ 3 Story Walk up)
HRW Investments Ltd.45 Red River Drive
Thompson, MB. R8N 1T8
Tele: 728-2235 \ 677-9131
Fax: 727-1640 \ 778-8871
Contact: Barry Thera
1 to 86 Red River \ 1 to 34 Assiniboine Drive \ 7 & 19 Carlton Ave E
Keewatin Housing Association \ Authority Inc102-83 Churchill Drive
Thompson, MB. R8N OL6
Tele: 677-2341
Fax: 677-3963
Contact: Chris Bignell
Scattered Houses - 7, 15 7 & 170 Queens Bay \ 15 Birch \ 73 Hemlock \ 25 McGill Place \ 282 Juniper \ 84 Fox Bay (Townhouses) 169 Centennial Dr E \ 20 Confederation \ 39 & 127 Hudson \ 136 Yale Ave \ 87 Wolf St \ 47 Greenway \ 31 Cypress Cres \96 Martin Bay \ 91 Wolf St \ 84 Pike Cres \ 35 & 55 Poplar \ 24 Westwood Drive (24 Units) \ 6, 18, 20 & 21 Arctic Dr (Apts) \ 16, 20, 24 & 43 Cambridge
Kent MarbachA1-36 Fox Bay
Thompson, MB. R8N 1G1
Tele: 677-7888 (Pizza Hut)
36 Fox Bay
Manitoba Housing18 – 3 Station Road
Thompson, MB
R8N 0R3
Tele: 677-0611
Brandon Cres Townhouses

Neetu Narula – Property Manager
Trisha Mollard – District Manager
Manitoba Housing Authority
Northern Region
Box 2550
The Pas, MB. R9A 1M4
Tele: 627-8355 \ 1-800-778-4311
Fax: 623-6114
Contact: Jignesh Parekh
228 Units – The Pas\ 171 Units – Flin Flon
Melva Spicer \ Lorne Spicer216 Centennial Drive W
Thompson, MB R8N 1K6
Tele : 204-677-3633
Cell: 204-679-0901
41 & 43 Cornell Place \ 1080 Cree \ 32 Hemlock \ 8 Hickory \ 1109 Wolf \ 31 Walnut \ 11 Oxford Bay \ 27 Hudson \ 231 Juniper \ 41 Lynx \ 152 Deerwood \ 55 Mallard \ 12 Elm \ 35 Parkway \ 91 Yale \ 32 Pintail \ 1156 Paint \ 199, 220 & 216 Centennial Dr W
Manitoba Housing Authority
Churchill District
Box 448
Churchill, MB. ROB OEO
Tele: 675-8838
Fax: 675-2572
Contact: Paul Maziak – Property Manager
Janelle Hunter – District Manager
360 Units
Mihkan Holdings3-44 Fox Bay
Thompson, MB. R8N 1G1
Tele\Fax: 677-4040
Contact: Katherine McCallum
Mihkan Holdings
3-44 Fox Bay
Thompson, MB. R8N 1G1
Tele\Fax: 677-4040
Contact: Katherine McCallum
27, 44, 52, 59, 76 Fox Bay
16, 20 & 56 Waterloo
20 & 52 Cambridge
50 Centennial Drive West
Northern Harmony Cooperative Ltd15 Arctic Drive
Thompson, MB. R8N 1S5
Tele: 677-4497
Fax: Maureen McCartney
15 Arctic
North Star Rentals4 – 11 Fox Bay
Thompson, MB. R8N 1N2
Tele: 677-4222
Contact Lorie Landers\Leo Landers Jr.
11 Fox Bay
Clearwater Management56 Myrtle Street
Winnipeg MB R3E 2R1
Contact: Lorna Fitzner
Contact: Debra Britnell 431-222-7368
Contact: Mike Romani 204-958-5734
373 & 413 Princeton Drive
6 & 18 Carlton Place
20, 28, 35 & 60 Fox Bay
RKO Rentals1- 76 Oak Street (P.O. Box 1014)
Thompson, MB. R8N 1N7
Tele: 778-6507
Contact: Cathy Oleschak \ Russell Robert Oleschak
76 Fox Bay
Thompson Apartment Rentals9 – 56 Copper Road
Thompson MB R8N 0V6
Contact: Sergio 905-341-8097
Contact: Betty Armitage 431-754-6013
Contact: Donnell Johnston 204-939-4224
120 Units \ Grey Wolf Bay

Thompson Apts. (107 Nickel) \ Kelsey Apts. (115 Nickel) \ Radisson Apts. (121 Nickel) \ Hearne Apts (129 Nickel) \ Franklyn Apts (135 Nickel) \ Hudson Apts (143 Nickel) \ Frobisher Apts (149 Nickel Road \ MacKenzie Apts (157 Nickel)
A.S.H Management100-233 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB. R3B 2A1 Tele: 204-982-7973
Fax: 677-4530
Contact: Mark Uddin
Mary Wells – Property Manager - Cell: 679-6060
(Office) 8 – 30 Coral Cres Thompson MB
10, 20 & 30 Coral Place
84 & 92 Nelson Road – (Place 100)
Gunner Canada Inc.9-35 Ashberry Place
Thompson, MB. R8N OJ1
Tele: 677-1120

Office in Toronto:
3845 Bathurst Street, Unit 202
Toronto, Ontario
M3H 3N2
Fax # 416-665-9810
Contact: Nancy Gallucci (416-665-9911 (ext 243))
15, 35, 45, 55 & 71 Ashberry Place
Thompson Seniors Housing Authority Inc.242 Westwood Drive (Rotary Place)
Thompson, MB. R8N OG9
Tele: 939-4470
Fax: 778-6622
Contact: Lone Wood
Rotary Place – Private Non Profit Housing for Seniors
Keith Derksen 1 – 52 Fox Bay
Thompson, MB
R8N 1E9
Tele: 204-778-6158
52 Fox Bay
Vikas Dhawan29 Purdue Place
Tele: 679-1412
223 Brandon Cres
Ashok Gandhi37 Queens Bay
Tele: 679-6719
Multiple Single Family Homes \ trailers
Rajinder Bains87 Oxford Bay
Tele: 679-0827
150 Brandon Cres
Ravi Kumar Ghai17 Purdue Place
Tele: 677-3985
142, 146 & 193 Brandon Cres – managed by Allied
Parshotam Bhagria15 Purdue Place
Tele: 679-5009
154 Brandon Cres
Triple H PropertiesDavid Hrabarchuk
199 Riverside DR
Tele; 778-7179
1138 Ospwagon Drive
Sarah Blair20 Poplar Cres
Tele: 679-5400
75 Wolf Street \ 64 Elm \ 20 Poplar Cres
Sidhu Associates Inc.127 Westwood Drive
Thompson, MB
R8N 0E7
Westwood Apartments
376, 384 & 392 Thompson Drive \Managed by Allied Rentals
Virgil Nathaniel 37 & 51 Centennial Drive East
Rymac Holdings183 Cree Road
Thompson MB
R8N 0C2
Office # 204-677-8798

Property Managed by Wagar Chaudhry
Cell # 647-296-3935
87, 207 & 211 Cree Road
10116047 Manitoba Inc.207 – 364 Princeton Drive
Thompson MB R8N 0A2

Owner: Mike Kelly - email: mike@chholdings.ca
Property Manager Hilda Fitzner – 204-778-6900
364 & 424 Princeton Drive
Tupar Enterprises Ltd.24 Fox BAy
Thompson MB R8N 1G1

Property Manager Lorna Fitzner
Cell: 204-390-4859
Lakeland Rentals#101 – 75 Centennial Drive West
Thompson MB
R8N 1K5

Property Manager Sonya Wiseman
Cell # 1-431-354-8120

Owner Jen Thackeray 1-204-307-1502
55 & 75 Centennial Drive West